Film News

Not a single rupee paid!! Village cooking channel sharing the experience of Vikram movie

‘Village Cooking Channel’ is the most popular YouTube channel in India. The channel is notable for introducing different local foods. The family and friends channel quickly went viral. At the same time, after the channel went viral, he was also looking for an opportunity to film. The team acted in the film Vikram directed by Lokesh Kanagaraj.

The channel team has revealed that Vikram has not received a single rupee for acting in the movie. V Ayyanar, a member of the channel, disclosed this in a public program held in Chennai. Team member V said that he acted in the film without getting paid a single rupee. Subramanian revealed.

“When people took over our channel, it was decided that they would not be paid even a single rupee for advertisements and so on. We are still following all these things. We have never done anything out of interest in money. Even when we acted in the film Vikram, we did not get paid. We were given the opportunity to do many commercials. We were offered four lakh rupees to act in a chocolate advertisement. But they say we didn’t want it.

Called for 10 second ad. The company approached us because they wanted people who love us to see the ad. But we cannot ask people to buy the product by acting in such advertisements. They also make it clear that only the income they get from YouTube is enough.

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