Who Can Use Karvol Plus?

Karvol Plus
Karvol Plus
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With its affordability and proven efficacy, Karvol Plus stands as a valuable option for individuals seeking relief from nasal congestion and related discomfort.

Karvol Plus serves as a decongestant primarily utilised to alleviate symptoms associated with nasal congestion triggered by flu, cold or other respiratory infections. Its mechanism involves thinning mucus, clearing a blocked nose and alleviating local irritation stemming from cold. By reducing histamine H1 levels, which are accountable for bronchoconstriction, it effectively mitigates nasal congestion by thinning mucus, making it easier to expel through coughing. Additionally, Karvol Plus encompasses potent anti-inflammatory agents conducive to treating various infections such as sinusitis. At Apollo Pharmacy, Karvol Plus price is just ₹86. Read on to learn more about these capsules and their proper usage.

Ingredients of Karvol Plus
The composition of Karvol Plus comprises chlorothymol, eucalyptol, menthol and camphor. Notably, menthol, camphor and eucalyptol are volatile substances that induce a local analgesic effect, serve as cough suppressants and impart a cooling sensation. These properties contribute to enhancing respiratory functions. Furthermore, terpineol, eucalyptol and chlorothymol exhibit anti-infective and antiseptic properties, facilitating the elimination of bacteria and alleviating breathing difficulties.

Medical Benefits of Karvol Plus
Karvol Plus offers several medical benefits:

  • By thinning mucus, it effectively alleviates blockage in the nasal passage.
  • It provides relief from irritation and congestion caused by cold, promoting comfort.
  • It clears the blocked nose, enhancing breathing during sleep and facilitating restful sleep.
  • Its constituents possess anti-infective and antiseptic properties, aiding in the elimination of bacteria and mitigating infection.
  • The inclusion of menthol and eucalyptus imparts a soothing cooling effect.
  • It acts as an anti-inflammatory agent, reducing the susceptibility to seasonal infections.
  • It offers relief from respiratory discomfort, improving overall breathing.

How to Use Karvol Plus?
To use Karvol Plus properly, follow these steps:

  • Use Karvol Plus capsules for inhalation purposes only as directed by your doctor.
  • Snip off the tip of the capsule and squeeze out the contents into half a litre of boiling or hot water.
  • Inhale the vapours deeply and freely, either directly from the solution or by collecting them on a tissue or a handkerchief.
  • For night-time relief, apply the inhalant on your pillow or nightdress to facilitate easy breathing while sleeping.
  • Use Karvol Plus as often as necessary to alleviate symptoms.
  • Depending on the severity of symptoms, adjust the frequency and duration of usage as advised by your doctor.

Side Effects of Karvol Plus
Karvol Plus is generally considered safe and doesn’t typically cause side effects. However, if you experience any adverse reactions, it’s advisable to consult a doctor. Potential side effects may include:

  • Vomiting
  • Nausea
  • Ataxia
  • Drowsiness

Precautions to Take While Using Karvol Plus

Here are some precautions to consider when using Karvol Plus:

  • Karvol Plus capsules are intended for inhalation purposes only; avoid oral ingestion or application to the body.
  • Use externally only; if accidental contact occurs with nostrils or eyes, rinse immediately with water.
  • Avoid using Karvol Plus capsules for children under three months of age.
  • Store in a cool, dry place, and keep out of reach of children.
  • Carefully read the label before use, especially if allergic to chlorothymol, eucalyptol, menthol, camphor, terpineol or any other ingredients.
  • If symptoms persist without improvement, then consult a doctor promptly.
  • If pregnant or breastfeeding, then use it under the supervision of a doctor.
  • When using hot water for inhalation, ensure the water is not boiling.
  • Avoid exposing the medicine to microwaves or direct flame, as it may ignite.

All in all, Karvol Plus is a reliable decongestant designed to alleviate symptoms associated with nasal congestion stemming from flu, cold or respiratory infections. This medication offers numerous medical benefits, including relief from congestion, enhanced breathing and anti-infective properties. Proper usage involves inhalation of the capsule contents in hot water, with precautions taken to avoid adverse reactions and ensure safe handling. While side effects are rare, it’s essential to consult a doctor if any occur.