Grow thick and healthy hair, Eat foods rich in biotin

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Hair loss is a concern for many people. If you want to prevent hair fall, you need to take care of your hair health. Biotin or B7 is one of the things that helps hair health. Hair loss is more likely due to biotin deficiency. Here are some biotin rich foods to include in your diet for hair health.

1. Carrot – Carrot is a vegetable rich in biotin and beta carotene. Including carrots in the diet can be beneficial for hair health.

2. Eggs – Egg yolks are rich in biotin. So eating these will help in hair growth. Also, egg whites contain vitamins and protein. This is also very good for hair health.

3. Avocado – Avocado is also rich in biotin. These help in healthy hair growth. Avocado is also good for skin health.

3. Mushroom – Mushrooms which are rich in biotin are also good to include in the diet.

5. Sweet Potatoes – Sweet potatoes are high in biotin and help in hair growth.

6. Spinach – Consuming spinach which is rich in biotin and other vitamins and minerals can also help in hair growth.

6. Almonds – Including biotin rich almonds in your diet is also good for hair health.