Are you prone to itchy eyes? Then definitely read this

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Not only are people’s eyes less rested these days, but they often put a lot of stress on their eyes. The reason for this is the excessive use of smartphones. People spend hours in front of their smartphones. Moreover, the number of people who sit in front of computers and laptops for long hours as part of their work is not less. This lifestyle affects our eyes the most. Nowadays, few people do not experience itchy eyes and watery eyes.

People today have many types of eye health problems. There are many problems like itching, water coming, seeing one object as two. Some people also have severe headaches. To some extent we can solve this ourselves. When using the computer, we should use it in such a way that there is a distance of twenty inches between the eyes and the computer. Setting the computer too close or too far from the eyes can increase eye strain. This can cause eye stress.

Are you someone who has to constantly use the screen? Then, as a temporary solution to the eye problems caused by screen use, you can give the eyes a break for a while and wash them with cold water. And there can be some exercises that increase the strength of the eye muscles and refresh the eyes. We can control these eye problems due to lifestyle to some extent if we pay attention to them.