Kuwait Tragedy: Malayalee bravely escaped, ‘Nalinakshan saw the fire and jumped into the water tank’

nalinakshan story in kuwait incident
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A Malayali bravely escaped from the fire in Kuwait . Relatives told Asianet News that Nalinakshan, a resident of Thrikaripur, Kasaragod, jumped into the water tank and escaped when he noticed the fire. Relatives said that Nalinakshan jumped from the third floor of the building that caught fire into the water tank below.

Balakrishnan said about the incident: ‘I came to know about the incident at 11 o’clock. Nalinakshan jumped into the water tank from the third floor of the burning building. But it was a situation where he could not get up quickly. Meanwhile, the relatives who were in the nearby flat saw Nalinakshan and took him to the hospital. After the incident, I could not talk to Nalinakshan. He was bleeding from his mouth and was advised not to speak. He said no problem. A rib was broken in the fall. Its operation is about to take place.’ The state government will provide financial assistance of Rs 5 lakh to the family of the deceased Thiruvananthapuram: The state government will provide financial assistance of Rs 5 lakh each to the family members of the Malayalees who died in the fire in Kuwait.

The special ministerial meeting held on Thursday also decided to pay one lakh rupees each to the injured Malayalees. Health Minister Veena George will immediately return to Kuwait. State Mission Director (NHM) Jeevan Babu will accompany. The government has also informed that they are coming to Kuwait to coordinate activities such as the treatment of injured Malayalees and the repatriation of the dead bodies. Prominent businessman Yusafali and prominent expatriate businessman Ravi Pillai have contacted the Chief Minister to inform the families of the deceased that Rs. This assistance will be provided through NORCA. With this, a family will get assistance of Rs 12 lakh.