daily life

some ways to control your anger..

"One second, angry," he said, "and I can say nothing." Is anger so great? Everyone knows that anger is not…

4 years ago

These are the benefits of eating two eggs daily.

There are many who eat eggs for breakfast as it is a healthy food. Egg yolk is high in cholesterol…

4 years ago

Milk causes allergies: drink these milk…

Almost all foods contain milk, such as when you wake up in the morning and drink a cup of tea…

4 years ago

Some Tips to Tackle Hidden Hunger in Children …

Food is the most important requirement of our body after water. Mothers ensure that the meals cooked at home are…

4 years ago

Child who consume whole milk less likely to be obese..

Parents, please take note. Researchers have found that children who drank whole milk had 40 per cent lower odds of…

4 years ago

Smartphone Test that can Spot Urinary Tract Infections …

Biological engineers at University of Bath in the UK have developed a smartphone-based 25-minute long test that could help doctors…

4 years ago

Drink Green Tea For Healthier Life..

Drinking green tea at least three times a week is associated with a longer and healthier life, according to a…

4 years ago