These are the benefits of eating two eggs daily.

Published by
Roselin Ravikrishnan

There are many who eat eggs for breakfast as it is a healthy food. Egg yolk is high in cholesterol and is considered harmful to health. But experts say eating a moderate amount of eggs is healthy. Know the benefits of eating two eggs daily. How does it affect cholesterol? One egg contains about 186 mg of dietary cholesterol. Egg cholesterol does not increase in 70%. The remaining 30% may slightly increase the LDL cholesterol levels. Another benefit is that eating good eggs increases your cholesterol or HDL cholesterol levels. People with HDL in adequate amounts are at lower risk of heart disease. According to one study, consuming two eggs a day for six weeks can increase HDL by 10 percent. Healthy skin, hair and nails Eggs are rich in B vitamins Vitamin B12, B5, biotin, riboflavin, thiamin and selenium.

All these vitamins are good for skin, hair and nails. They help to improve the elasticity of the skin and fight against free radicals. The immune system 2 Eggs contain 59% Selenium, 32% Vitamin A and 14% Iron. All of which strengthen the immune system. Eggs can also alleviate colds and flu. Improves vision Eggs contain antioxidants such as lutein and seasonatin. These are also present in the macular region of the eye. Studies have shown that lutein, zeaxanthin and omega-3s in eggs are good for eye health. These two antioxidants help maintain eye health while protecting the retina from damage. Improving memory Colin in the egg contributes to the metabolism of fat. And maintains the health of the cells. Improving brain function and memory. According to a study by Cornell University, consuming choline during pregnancy improves brain function in infants. Vitamin D Vitamin D in the egg accelerates the absorption of calcium in the body. It makes your bones and teeth healthy. After the workout One egg contains 6 grams of protein. This makes the egg an excellent snack after workout. Eat whole egg more than egg whit