Dhanush is not a reason for our divorce: Amala Paul

Published by
Revathy Anil

The wedding of director AL Vijay and actress Amala Paul was a spectacular marriage of Hindu-Christian customs. They were married after a long-term romance. But after a brief period of marriage, the couple divorced. Both men did not specify the cause. After divorcing her for some time, Vijay got married again. There were rumors that Amala was having another affair.

Amala-Vijay Marriage

However, rumors have surfaced that actor Dhanush is the reason for the Amala-Vijay relationship. The statement was made by the manufacturer Alagappan. Amala decided not to act after her marriage. But before her marriage, Amala had earlier signed a deal to star in Dhanush’s Amma Kanak. Dhanush had asked Amala to do the movie even after her marriage. Alagappan said that Amala had come back to acting without Dhanush’s pressure.

Vijay himself opposed the words of Alagappan. Now Amala too has come out against it. In an interview to online media, Amala made her stand clear. “The divorce decision has been decided by the two of us together. A third of them have no part. Dhanush is a good friend of mine. There is nothing that affects my personal life. I don’t want to publicize the reason for my divorce. I want to protect its privacy, ”Amala said.