Why most planes look white? This is the reason behind it!

Published by
Roselin Ravikrishnan

Have you ever noticed why most planes are white? Some of the lines, decorations, and names of the aircraft are written in different colors but the base color of the aircraft is always white. There are scientific and economic reasons behind this. Heat blocking first. From the runway to the sky, the plane is mostly heated by the sun. In this case, the plane is moving towards the infrared rays of the sun. The white color reflects the sunlight. So the plane is not heated and the inside temperature is controlled. Secondly, if there are any kind of cracks in the body of the aircraft due to the white color it is easier to see in white than any other color.


The visibility of white is higher than in other colors. It can be easily seen even in extreme darkness. This will help to avoid accidents. In addition, most other colors can be damaged quickly as they absorb heat from the sun. At the same time, the white color will remain intact for a long time. So the cost of repetitive paint is also saved. According to a 2011 report published in Human-Wildlife Interaction, the study found that bird strikes were less likely to occur on white aircraft than on light blue aircraft. Birds can easily understand the white plane and change direction as needed. Using any other color increases the weight of the aircraft. As a result, the consumption of petrol is increasing significantly. White paint on aircraft surfaces reduces gasoline consumption and reduces the cost to airlines. It offers financial benefits.


Aviation companies buy and sell their aircraft from time to time. In such a case, it would be easier to change the name of the company or change it according to yours because of the white color.