This 12 year old girl is allergic to water, A bath can take her life!

Published by
Roselin Ravikrishnan

Water is very important in life. It’s hard to even imagine a life without water. But this news is about a girl who is allergic to water. A 12-year-old girl of American descent. His name is Daniel McRae. Daniel’s condition is very bad. This girl is facing a lot of problems due to a water allergy. Even when she is sweating, she faces various problems.


Aquagenic urticaria

Daniel is suffering from aquagenic urticaria. Aquagenic urticaria is a rare condition. When the skin comes in contact with water, the skin turns red quickly. This is a condition that usually affects women. Symptoms also begin in adulthood. Some patients also report itching. Fewer than 100 people worldwide currently suffer from this condition.


Whenever Daniels comes in contact with water, the skin quickly turns red and thick. This is very painful. Daniel loved to swim. But when he found out about his problem, he had to stop swimming. During the summer, Daniel had to stay indoors. Getting out of the house in the summer can be difficult. This is because when she goes out and sweats, her skin quickly turns red and itchy.


Danielle may also experience anaphylactic shock due to a water allergy. In cases where the condition of the allergen is very high, it can have a very large impact on the body. There is a risk of death due to this impact. For this reason, even taking a bath in a bucket of water can cause Daniel’s death. Daniel is allergic to water but has no problem drinking water.