These are the reasons for dreaming in sleep!

Published by
Roselin Ravikrishnan

Whether we are awake or asleep, we are all dreamers. We all have a desire to know why we are dreaming. In fact there are no particular reasons to dream. Psychologists have proven that there are different theories for understanding dreams. Know a few things about dreams.


Sleep is the time when our body relaxes. We often have dreams when we are asleep. During our sleep, our brain cells are active. It shows the activities that take place throughout the day or the desires that are buried in our minds in the form of dreams. Our brain does not rest in the dream it is more active than in the waking state. This is the reason why we dream while sleeping.


You may think that our minds are calm when we dream. But at some point in the dream, the mind works rather than waking up. This condition is called Rapid Eye Movement (REM). I.e. rapid movement of the eyes. This is what happens during a long dream. In such dreams, the whole body will remain calm. This prevents the body from working according to the dream. A person has 4-6 dreams a night and 1460 dreams a year. But 90% of it is forgotten within 10 minutes of waking up. People with a high IQ (ratio between a person’s mental age and actual age) have more dreams. If you are told that a person does not have dreams. It means that he has forgotten his dreams.


People who are not blind from birth but later lose their eye light, such people see shadows in their dreams. But people who are born blind do not see anything in their dreams. Those people do not see a picture. Children do not dream for the first 3-4 years. . People do not dream when they snore in their sleep. People who do not have dreams are more likely to have a condition called “personality disorders”.

5 to 10 percent of people have nightmares once a month. Not only humans but also animals dream. You can never think and remember where your dream started. The faces we see in dreams are familiar faces to us. Our mind does not create a face of its own. We only dream about the faces we see in our lives or on TV.