The most beautiful queen in the world had done this strange act

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Roselin Ravikrishnan

We have read in history about many queens and princesses who are famous all over the world for their beauty. However, they did many strange things to preserve their beauty. You have often heard of bathing in water or cow or buffalo milk. But did you know that there was a queen in the world who bathed in the milk of donkeys? For this, they used to bring 700 donkey milk daily. This queen is not just for their beauty. Their lives were also very mysterious.


Cleopatra, the Egyptian princess, was also called the goddess of beauty. Cleopatra was not only beautiful, but her life was very mysterious. It still attracts explorers to them. At the age of fourteen, Cleopatra and her brother Ptolemy Dionysus jointly adopted the kingdom after the death of their father. Cleopatra’s brother did not tolerate his authority over the country. Cleopatra lost her power and took refuge in Syria, but this princess did not give up. Cleopatra invaded Egypt with the help of the Roman emperor Julius Caesar. Caesar killed Ptolemy and installed Cleopatra on the throne of Egypt.

Cleopatra is said to have been very beautiful. Kings and military officials were ensnared by her beauty and all her work was done by them. They also knew more than 12 languages ​​of the world. Cleopatra asked for 700 donkeys’ milk every day. This has been proven in a recent study. According to a study in Turkey, rats fed cow’s milk and donkey’s milk during a study found that rats that drank cow’s milk were more fat. This proves that donkey milk is lower in fat than cow’s milk. This is good in every sense.


Cleopatra is said to have been the last pharaoh to rule Egypt. Although she was African, it still remains a mystery. Cleopatra died at the age of 39. But how she died remains a mystery to this day. Some believe that Cleopatra committed suicide by biting a snake. Some say she died of a drug overdose. In addition, some believe that he was killed by a snake bite.