
PlayStation Plus Strategy by Sony Affects Video Game Sales

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Swathi B4

Sony recently made a presentation in which they claimed that the addition of first-party games to the PlayStation Plus subscription program had a major effect on the games’ sales. The PS Plus game lineup and declining regular retail sales are clearly correlated, according to data released by the system maker.

Even while it’s necessary to take into account outside variables like lowered costs, the graph that Sony has provided makes it abundantly evident that the increase in PS Plus subscribers brought about by the inclusion of titles like Horizon Forbidden West has resulted in a halt in game activations from retail sales.


This discovery casts doubt on Sony’s strategy’s efficacy and may have an effect on the company’s future intentions for the service. Players who have access to a game via PS Plus are obviously less inclined to buy the same title individually. Sony is faced with a difficulty because, in contrast to Microsoft, they still mostly rely on traditional game sales.

The choice to add games to PS Plus was probably made with the intention of drawing in more players and enhancing the value proposition for subscribers. The unexpected outcome appears to be a decline in retail sales, though.

Will Sony change its mind and take titles out of the PS Plus lineup? Time will tell. This trend necessitates a more thorough examination of the impact of the subscription service model on the gaming industry as a whole.