Most Dangerous 14 Roads In The World..

Published by
Athira Jishnu

4.Eyre Highway, Australia

 Taking a gander at this expressway, one can scarcely envision it’s truly unsafe. Notwithstanding, the quantity of mishaps on this 1,600-km (994 mi) extend of Australian thruway, worked a long way from areas, is truly high. The reason is very basic: the scenes here are monotonous to the point that drivers essentially nod off at the worst possible time.

5.The “Nose of the Devil” Railway, Ecuador

 The “Nose of the Devil” railway is built on the rock of the same name at an altitude of 800 m (2,624 ft). Until recently, tourists were allowed to ride on the roofs of wagons running here, but today it’s prohibited.

6.Pamban Railway Bridge, India

Pamban Bridge connects the mainland part of India with the island of the same name. In 1964, the bridge was destroyed by the strong winds of the Palk Strait. This is why now, when wind speed exceeds 55 km/h, trains receive a special signal warning of the possible danger.

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