Regularly Drinking of mineral water causes this health problems, Studies Says,

Published by
Roselin Ravikrishnan

Drinking plenty of water is a good and healthy habit. However, new research shows that drinking mineral water in bottles of multinational companies has a negative impact on health. However, the new study suggests that drinking boiled water may be the answer.

Mineral Waters

An inspection by the Central Food Safety Quality Authority found that three out of 10 bottles sold in the market were contaminated. 93% of the water sold is found in fine plastic granules. The number of plastic granules in some bottles exceeds 10,000.
The study found that most of the plastic granules were mixed with water from the bottle cap. The chemicals in the bottled water are also found in the chemicals of polypropylene, nylon, and polyethylene terephthalate.

Negatives of Regular Mineral Water Drinking

When they enter the body, there are a number of health problems. The mineral water may be the cause of cancer, the study says. It is imperative that bottled water is kept at a certain temperature. We are used to it from the bottled water market without paying attention to such things.