Is sexual interestdiminished?This may be the reason..

Published by
Revathy Anil

Feeling deprived of interest in sex? It doesn’t matter just seeing sex as a ritual. Couples can enjoy sex only if they enjoy it. Satisfaction comes from the hope and desire of each and every one. But there are some things that can ruin sex. Fatigue – Exercise and eating habits are the main causes of fatigue. Lack of sleep and fatigue. Stress – Stress can also affect your sex life.

When stress hormone is increased in the body, it can adversely affect the overall life. Stress can cause cortisol levels to increase in the body. It can ruin your sex life. Depression – Depression can affect your sex life. Anti-depressant medications used to treat depression can also slow down your sex life. Thyroid – can affect sex differences in thyroid level. Hypothyroidism inhibits sex hormone production. Lack of exercise – Obesity and lack of exercise can ruin sex. This can cause a difference in the levels of testosterone and estrogen. Reduce intake of fried foods and fast foodHydration – Loss of hydration in the body can also affect your sex life.