Fitness is incomplete without strong shoulders and hands, these 5 yogasans will make your shoulder tone

Published by
Ajay S

To keep the body fit, it is very important to strengthen the shoulders and arms along with weight loss. If you reduce belly fat and your shoulders are not stretched, your body will not look fit, so there are 5 yoga asanas that you can do for 15 minutes every day to strengthen (arm) the arms and shoulder. Fitness can be found. 
Yoga trainer and Nechurapathy expert Priyanka Singh have recently shared five such yoga asanas with us. Come, know how to do this yoga.

Usually, morning time is good for doing yoga but many people are unable to do yoga in the morning. In such a situation, you can do yoga in the evening as our body becomes very active by working all day in the evening. In such a situation it is easy to do yoga in the evening. It also brings good sleep at night. 
– Do not do yoga immediately after eating. You can eat something for 1 hour before doing yoga and do not eat anything for one and a half hours after doing yoga. 
It is very important to have a yoga or an exercised body. For this, you stand up and do the movement of hands and feet slowly. There is a risk of injury without a warmup.