Why is your waist like this, When Ileana became a victim of body shaming at the age of 12

Published by
Sreekumar R

Body shaming is an issue that people face in the coming days. Bollywood celebs are also not spared from body shaming. People do not shy away from being obese about being thin or making fun of one’s body. Bollywood’s slim and fit beautiful actress Ileana D’cruz has also been a body-shaming, on which she recently shared her experience. Ileana D’cruz made a big disclosure while sharing her bad experience of body shaming. In an interview to the Bollywood bubble, the actress said that when she was a child, people used to make lewd comments on her body.
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Ileana D’Cruz

Ileana said- ‘I remember that day. It was very strange because it is a never-ending stain. Ever since I was 12 years old, I have been a victim of body shaming. I had just stepped on the threshold of puberty. And people used to make lewd comments – ‘O my God, why is your butt (back part of the body) so big?’ And I could not understand this. ‘You think you are fine and then someone comes and starts saying about you and you believe what they are saying. That is why I think this is a stain that you have been carrying for years.

Ileana D’Cruz

Ileana D’Cruz

‘To deal with this, you have to make yourself very strong from within so that what people are saying does not matter to you. What you think about yourself matters. And this is the thing that I tell myself every day. Because I face it every day, there are at least ten messages on my Instagram about body shaming. ‘Somebody or someone will be the one to say such things to you and this is Kadadiva. I ask people to be a little kind and sensitive because how it affects someone, you cannot understand. The thing that is under your control is your thinking about yourself and yourself. That’s why I just tell people that what you think about yourself, matters. The world should go to hell, they should go to hell.

Ileana D’Cruz