The wedding day has come to a close, Soubhagya announced her wedding date!

Published by
Revathy Anil

Soubhagya Venkitesh is the daughter of film and serial star Tara Kalyan. Tik Tok Toe’s got its own fan base. The girl, who was a fabulous performer in Tik Tok, was found to be the daughter of a lucky star. Mother and daughter would share their specialties with Tik Tok.

Soubhagya Venkitesh

Recently, it was rumored that Soubhagya was going to marry his friend Arjun Somashekhar. The two were in love for a long time. The engagement pictures of the two came out. Luckily, the wedding date is now out. The wedding will be held on February 19,20 at Guruvayur according to the Tamil Brahmin ritual.

Soubhagya Wedding Card

Soubhagya has been friends with Arjun, a student of dance school run by Tara Kalyan, for more than 10 years. The duo have performed at various venues. Arjun is now running a dance school.