The Untold Journey Of Charlie Chaplin Beloved Daughter

Published by
Revathy Anil

 Famous actor Charlie Chaplin’s daughter and actress Josephine Chaplin (74) passed away. Josephine is the third of Charlie Chaplin’s eight children. Josephine Chaplin was born on March 28, 1949, in Santa Monica, California.

Josephine made her acting debut with Chaplin in the film Limelight in 1952. He has acted in many films. He appeared in Pier Paolo Pasolini’s award-winning 1972 film The Century Tales, Richard Balducci’s Lauder des Faves, and Escape to the Sun. In 1984, he acted in the Canadian drama ‘The Bay Boy’. In 1988, he acted in the mini-series Hemingway. The children are Charlie, Arthur, and Julien Ronnett. Siblings are Michelle, Geraldine, Victoria, Jane, Annette, Egan, and Christopher.