Pariyerum Perumal movie is in the 12th standard syllabus!

Published by
Revathy Anil

Pariyerum Perumal is in the 12th standard syllabus. The state government has decided to include the film in the curriculum for the children to study. Mari Selvaraj is the director who got his hands on the caste of society. Periyar and Marie Selvaraj have portrayed caste discrimination in Thirunelveli and Thoothukudi in Tamil Nadu.

The film has won many awards and the audience has now been included in the 12th class syllabus of the Tamil Nadu government. Moreover, many of the scenes in the film are mentioned in Konar Tamil Ure (Class 12th Student’s Guide) of Class XII. The movie was a huge success in theaters.

Marie Selvaraj’s Pariyar and Perumal’s Dalit youth Pariyan show a close friendship with the upper caste Jyoti. The caste-based violence that ensues afterward is thankfully shown by Pariyerum Perumal. The film has been produced by Pa Ranjith’s Neelam Productions.

Since Pa Ranjit and Mari Selvaraj are directors of the Dalit community, they have made their mark politically through films. The music has been composed by Santhosh Narayanan, the permanent music director of Pa Ranjith films. The lyrics of the film have been penned by Mari Selvaraj, Vivek, Perumal Wadhyar and Chinnasamidasan.