Judge thanks Surya, Do you know why

Published by
Revathy Anil

A case was filed against Kalaippuli S. Thanu for life insurance for members of the Tamil Filmmakers Association. The court ordered that arrangements be made to pay the insurance premium to the members of the Tamil Film Producers Association. With the release of the film praising Surya through OTD, the producers of KRK have donated Rs. 30 lakhs to the Suriya Producers Association from its release profits. Muralitharan, K.J.R. It was handed over to Judge Jayachandran headed by Rajesh.


At a time when there are not enough funds in the Tamil Film Producers’ Association Trust, 1300 members will benefit from the insurance premium given by Suriya. Judge Jayachandran thanked Suriya. With his film Soorarai Pottru being released via OTT, Suriya had donated 30 lakhs to the producer’s council. The amount was handed over to the judge in the presence of Mr. KR, Mr. K. Muralitharan, and Mr. KJR Rajesh.


At this difficult time when there are not enough funds in the Tamil Film Producers’ Association Trust, 1300 members will benefit from the insurance premium in accordance with the funds donated by Suriya. The judge had marked his gratitude for the actor.