CBI 5 chief K Madhu guarantees that the stand by will be worth the effort

Published by
Revathy Anil

Post-creation works for ‘CBI 5: The Brain’ is advancing at a lively speed. The movie denotes the gathering of Mammootty with script author SN Swamy and chief K Madhu. Assumptions are high on the film as it denotes the arrival of Mammootty repeating as the famous CBI official Sethurama Iyer.


In a new Facebook post, chief K Madhu guaranteed that the stand by will be worth the effort. Sharing several area stills, the producer composed.


As I went through the functioning stills of ‘CBI 5: The Brain’, this picture carried a grin to my face. Here, me and Shri. Mammootty should be visible being completely occupied with our shot arrangements. Seeing this, my psyche dashed back thirty years to the principal shot where we began together. As the most recent result of this excursion is being ready, I need to let all our well wishers know that your stand by will be addressed very soon.