Film News

Benjamin shared an emotional note about Blessy

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Swathi B4

The film ‘Adujeevtham’ became a reality only because of Prithviraj’s hard work and Blessi’s determination. Writer Benyamin says that Blessi is the director who faced the moments of exhaustion, the situation where everything came together and smiled without reacting to anything. The real heroes are the ones who face everything without getting tired of problems and crises, if it was not for the determination of this man, the film would have fallen somewhere along the way.

Sixteen years of hard work, a thousand hurdles that came one after the other, moments of exhaustion, times of giving up, taunts that none of this is going to happen, and challenges from some people who would stop anyway, he did not accept anything.He didn’t respond to anything

With a smile on everything he walked directly and silently, Najib, the fire and the sun will pass you by, don’t you faint before them, don’t surrender, he went ahead, Blessy dear brother, you are a text book for this society, tears from my heart to you, Beloved, what is the result of this man’s long journey? Go and watch this movie in theaters. About Benjamin