After the death of my father, my mother became depressed and determined that I would never find happiness in life again!

Published by
Revathy Anil

Amala Paul, who made her debut in Malayalam but has done a lot of good roles in Tamil, is very good. Amala specializes in selecting and acting in important roles. So the audience began to notice Amala very soon. Though he did many good roles in the film, the actor went through a lot of difficulties in his life. Fans have had a lot of talk about first marriage with director Winner, divorce, then father’s death and second marriage.


Now Amala has revealed herself about the difficulties in her life. Amala wrote her life on her Instagram account. Read Amala’s note,

LOSING A PARENT is a feeling that cannot be described, it’s a MAJOR DOWNFALL and you begin to TRANSCEND into the UNKNOWN DARKNESS and experience varied emotions. Losing my PAPPA to CANCER OPENED a whole new DIMENSION IN MY LIFE. It made me realize so many things. Here’s one such thought! . We live in a big beautiful world. Like the Yin to the Yang, we also live in a world carved out by ‘SOCIETAL NORMS’ that DICTATE our EVERY MOVE and EVERY THOUGHT. We start getting CONDITIONED from a very YOUNG AGE and SHUT OURSELVES through the TRAUMATIC EXPERIENCES and LOCK parts of our INNER-CHILD in to these BOXES. . Unfortunately in the RAT RACE TO THE TOP, we often AREN’T TAUGHT to LOVE OURSELVES. We don’t ALLOW ourselves to OPEN THESE BOXES and HEAL our INNER-CHILD from these TRAUMAS and conditioning. .

We shift from RELATIONSHIP after RELATIONSHIP, craving for company and searching for the missing ‘HALF’ in PEOPLE, THINGS, CAREER, SUBSTANCES, MOMENTARY PLEASURES, EXPERIENCES all a mean to ESCAPE OUR TRUE-SELVES only to be left more emptied. . WHEN WILL WE LEARN TO LOVE OURSELVES AS A ‘WHOLE’ AND FULLY EMBRACE THE DARK, LIGHT, GOOD, BAD, HAPPINESS, EMPTINESS, VULNERABILITIES ,PAIN, INSECURITIES, FEARS ? . Yes I have decided to WHOLEHEARTEDLY accept this and COURAGEOUSLY WALK THE PATH LESS TRAVELED.. no more ESCAPE! . MOST IMP – THE WOMEN we grew up looking up to have forgotten that they’re as important as their family. Our MOTHERS have really forgotten to LOVE THEMSELVES, let alone HEALING!!

Even if you abandon or deny me, I will grow up Amala Paul

They spend their whole life taking care of their HUSBAND, CHILDREN, FAMILY and NEVER FOR ONCE STOP to do SOMETHING for THEMSELVES. It’s our responsibility to educate and make them understand about loving and nurturing their INNER-SELF BEFORE THEY LOSE THEMSELVES FOREVER!! I almost lost myself and my mom to the verge of DEPRESSION but here we are gearing up to FLY LIKE A PHOENIX in to transformation THROUGH LOVE AND HEALING. . Thanks to my constant support system, my dearest BROTHER for all that he is and especially for making my CHILDHOOD TRAUMATIC EXPERIENCES very entertaining and still continuing to do that 😂🙄💙 Lots of love and healing to all the broken hearts 💟