No more worrying about hair loss, Give it a try!

Published by
Roselin Ravikrishnan

Hair loss is a major problem that is affecting more and more young people today. We can consider it as a lifestyle disease. If you ask anyone if we have hair loss, very few will say no. Today, from the age of 20, hair loss and baldness begin to appear. Perhaps this is a change in our diet. Baldness is also seen as a tradition. Baldness can also be a genetic disorder. In addition, hair loss can be caused by changing water baths, dandruff, washing hair with chlorine water, vitamin D deficiency, or nutritional deficiencies, or using creams that contain other chemicals.

How to apply hair serum

Stress is one of the leading causes of hair loss. In women, anemia, anemia, and thyroid hormone changes can cause hair loss. We can give such people treatment. That is a treatment that puts our hair on the affected area.

Hair Serum applying

First of all, here are some inexpensive tips we can do at home to prevent hair loss. Take a diet. What we eat is very important for the health of our hair. We should eat more protein-rich foods. Then eat plenty of foods rich in vitamins, nutrients, and iodine. Drink plenty of water. Then massage with homemade oil at least once a week. This will help to increase the blood circulation in our heads. Use a mild shampoo only once or twice a week to brighten your hair. However, If you have a very severe hair fall, consult a doctor and buy a good serum that is available in the market as per their instructions and apply it on the scalp. You can also take multivitamins.

Hair Protection in Winter

Even so, owning one is still beyond the reach of the average person. Let’s see what it is. Treatments include PRP or platelet-rich plasma, mesotherapy, stem therapy, and hair transplantation. Now let us see what is PRP treatment. PRP takes 10-15ml of blood from the patient and injects it into the same patient.

Next is hair transplantation. There are two types of this. FUE or FU. This is done by taking the hair from the back of the patient’s head and injecting it into the front of the head. FUE is doing a lot more now. That is, it is done with punches. The hair on the back is separated one by one and placed on the hairless part at the front of the head. It is very safe and effective. You no longer have to worry about hair loss. Be sure to seek the services of a doctor immediately.